Dasar dari analisa teknikal adalah chart(grafik). Dalam kasus ini grafik mewakili seribu kata.
Line chart
Line chart (grafik garis) adalah jenis grafik yang paling sederhana. Seperti gambar 2 yaitu grafik General Motors, titik-titik dalam garis mencerminakan harga penutup sekuritas pada suatu hari. Tanggal ditampilkan di bagian bawah dan harga ditampilkan dibagian samping.
Bar Chart
Bar Chart (grafik batang) menampilkan harga pembukaan (jika tersedia), harga tertinggi, harga terendah dan harga penutupan sekuritas pada suatu hari. Bar chart adalah jenis grafik yang paling popular.
Seperti ditunjukkan dalam bar chart dalam gambar 3, bagian paling atas dari setiap batang vertical mencerminkan harga tertinggi untuk suatu periode, dan bagian paling bawah mencerminkan harga terendah untuk perdioe tersebut. “Tick” penutup ditampilkan disebelah knan untuk menunjukkan harga penutup untuk suatu periode tersebut. Jika harga pembuka tersedia, ini ditunjukkan oleh “tick” disebelah kiri.
Volume bar chart
Volume bar chart (grafik batang volume) umumnya ditampilkan sebagai grafik batang di bagian bawah dari bar chart(gbr 4). Sebagian besar analisa hanya memperhatikan tingkat relative volume perdagangan, karena itu skala volume sering tidak ditampilkan.
Jenis-jenis grafik yang lain
Gerakan harga sekuritat dapat juga ditampilkan dengan menggunakan jenis-jenis grafik yang lain,misalnya candlestick, equivolume,point & figure dan lainnya.
Wouldn't you love to be a business owner without ever having to show up at work? Imagine if you could sit back, watch your company grow, and collect the dividend checks as the money rolls in! This situation might sound like a pipe dream, but it's closer to reality than you might think.
As you've probably guessed, we're talking about owning stocks. This fabulous category of financial instruments is, without a doubt, one of the greatest tools ever invented for building wealth. Stocks are a part, if not the cornerstone, of nearly any investment portfolio. When you start on your road to financial freedom, you need to have a solid understanding of stocks and how they trade on the stock market.
Over the last few decades, the average person's interest in the stock market has grown exponentially. What was once a toy of the rich has now turned into the vehicle of choice for growing wealth. This demand coupled with advances in trading technology has opened up the markets so that nowadays nearly anybody can own stocks.
Despite their popularity, however, most people don't fully understand stocks. Much is learned from conversations around the water cooler with others who also don't know what they're talking about. Chances are you've already heard people say things like, "Bob's cousin made a killing in XYZ company, and now he's got another hot tip..." or "Watch out with stocks--you can lose your shirt in a matter of days!" So much of this misinformation is based on a get-rich-quick mentality, which was especially prevalent during the amazing dotcom market in the late '90s. People thought that stocks were the magic answer to instant wealth with no risk. The ensuing dotcom crash proved that this is not the case. Stocks can (and do) create massive amounts of wealth, but they aren't without risks. The only solution to this is education. The key to protecting yourself in the stock market is to understand where you are putting your money.